June Yoga Classes

June Yoga Classes

June Yoga Classes

As the spring season evolves towards summer, our activities change and so too my yoga class offerings. My June series of classes will be a mixture of Zoom classes and one outside class – Under the Oaks.

For Salt Springers, Monday’s Every Body Yoga class will go outside Under the Oaks, in the Fulford Valley.  All other classes, which includes: Mellow Morning Mondays, Chair Yoga Wednesdays, and Wednesday’s Every Body Yoga will be on Zoom.

Both of these avenues for offering yoga classes are the result of Covid-19. Last summer, after our initiation with Covid-19 and the lock downs and lock ins and separations from one another, getting outside to do yoga together was a gem. Yet so too was it a gem to be able to do yoga together on Zoom prior to the summer, and following. I am happy to be able to offer both.

Monday – Mellow Morning Yoga: starts June 7; 10 – 11 am PT; class series fee is $50 and includes 4 live zoom classes from Ocean Song studio and access to the recordings for the duration of the series. The Zoom link is sent upon receipt of payment.

Monday – Every Body Yoga: starts June 7; 4:30 – 5:30 pm; outside, Under the Oaks, in the pastoral Fulford Valley. Payment is by donation (suggestion of $10 – 13/class). More details offered upon registration of interest.

Wednesday – Chair Yoga (3 – 4 pm PT) & Every Body Yoga (4:30 – 5:30 pm PT): starts June 2; running for 5 weeks. Class series fee is $65 and includes 5 live zoom classes from Ocean Song studio and access to the recordings for the duration of the series. The Zoom link is sent upon receipt of payment.

Payment is accepted by e-transfer (c.mcewen@shaw.ca), cash or cheque (Catherine McEwen).

Looking forward to sharing the nourishing benefits of yoga through movement, breath-work and sitting in silence. OM



Use the power of this transformational season of spring to reinvigorate, purify, strengthen, and empower yourself – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually though YOGA. Enliven your entire well being while harnessing the awakening power of spring. Use yoga to alleviate your gardening stressed muscles or tight runner’s or cyclists muscles; your desk posture or screen posture. Strengthen your muscles for your summer outdoor activities. With all the energy that spring awakens in us, be ready to move safely, steadfastedly or with abandon in the joy of spring. Moderate your breath and watch you mind quiet. Come into the place of stillness that is always there for us.

Join me for an 8-week series of yoga classes moving through the spring season. All online on Zoom while we patiently continue to stay safe from viral and variant spread. Be part of the online community. We are all in this together.

Classes starting March 22 and 24, Mondays and Wednesdays respectively. You can find more details here.

2021 Winter Yoga Classes

This winter season all yoga classes will be on Zoom.

An 8-week series – starting the week of Jan. 11 and running into the first week of March.

What’s on offer? Mondays and Wednesdays, classes for both Chair Yoga (3-4 pm) and Every Body Yoga (4:30 – 5:30 pm) twice weekly, and once weekly Mellow Morning Monday Yoga (10 – 11 am). The feeling behind offering twice-weekly classes in Chair and Every Body yoga is to offer you more benefit to your yoga practice. Research shows that to receive full benefits from a yoga or wellness/fitness program, we need to do the practice twice or 3X weekly. Once a week is good, 2 or 3X even better. Should this appeal to you, a discount on the fee is offered. Please refer to the Classes Page for full details. I hope to see you on the mat or in the chair.

Yoga Amid COVID-19

During these unprecedented times, yoga can offer a calm within the chaos, a retreat within the self-isolation. When fears and anxiety arise, we can turn our attention to breath, and centre ourselves, finding calm. When thoughts race through our minds and compel us to move impossibly in multiple directions simultaneously creating stress and confusion, or freeze us from doing anything constructive, yoga can offer us ways for grounding with Mother Earth through asanas and rooting us in the moment through meditation. The mind is allowed to quiet. Awareness is. And in this stillness, the peace and joy of our true self is revealed.

Amma (India’s hugging saint) counsels us at this time that we are the light or the darkness on our own path, the flower or the thorn. Through courage and alertness we can remain on our path of light. Everything in the universe is interconnected into a community of one. And everything is an energy, a vibration. Through meditation, we quiet the mind, merge the mind with the heart, and rest in beingness – that stateless state of peace, joy, and contentment. Negative thoughts will create negative vibrations within our body and throughout the universe. Positive thoughts, ones of love and compassion, and universal truth, these will create positive vibrations – throughout our body and beyond – into our family, our community, our country, our world, Mother Earth, the universe. Amma has recommended us all to meditate daily, especially now in these times.

Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga and the traditional Hindu system of medicine), as well as western medicine, promote keeping a strong immune system for good health. Stress reduces our immunity. While we may not be able to avoid feeling stressed during these times, we can alleviate this by choosing to practice meditation, breathwork, and routine physical activities, such as yoga asanas. A strong immune system is also supported by eating healthy whole foods, drinking abundant water (herbal teas, fresh water), having a routine for sleep, taking supplements, choosing positive thoughts, and being the love that we are.

So for now, while yoga studios are closed, I am offering yoga classes on Zoom. All are welcome. (No constraints by studio size!). Go to the Classes page for class days and times. You’ll need the Zoom ID to join, so you’ll need to get in touch with me via email – see Contact.

Hope to see you on Zoom.


Weekly Yoga in the ‘Hood classes resume at Ocean Song in October. Offering an 8-week series. Monday classes will run from Oct. 7 – Dec. 2. Wednesday classes will run from Oct. 9 – Nov. 27. Monday Morning Mellow classes also starting up. And Chair Yoga will no longer be at the Anderson Room of the OAPO and will run at Ocean Song on Wednesday afternoons. So a new location and a new day of the week for Chair Yoga classes.