Use the power of this transformational season of spring to reinvigorate, purify, strengthen, and empower yourself – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually though YOGA. Enliven your entire well being while harnessing the awakening power of spring. Use yoga to alleviate your gardening stressed muscles or tight runner’s or cyclists muscles; your desk posture or screen posture. Strengthen your muscles for your summer outdoor activities. With all the energy that spring awakens in us, be ready to move safely, steadfastedly or with abandon in the joy of spring. Moderate your breath and watch you mind quiet. Come into the place of stillness that is always there for us.

Join me for an 8-week series of yoga classes moving through the spring season. All online on Zoom while we patiently continue to stay safe from viral and variant spread. Be part of the online community. We are all in this together.

Classes starting March 22 and 24, Mondays and Wednesdays respectively. You can find more details here.